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Conversion-- Giving your site all the advantages needed to turn visitors into customers--in other words, getting your website to do what you've always wanted it to do. Produce results!



Some websites are just about information. Some websites are just about selling. But the most powerful websites are about both! They give you all the information and the reasons you need to take action. When your website visitor takes an action that you want that's a conversion. Whether that action is a sale, a phone call, an email or a visit to your store, it doesn't matter. You decide what you want and then adjust your program accordingly.


It's All About Results!


Here's what we'll do for you to help make sure your site produces the results you want:


1. Conversion definition
You would think that this is an easy "no-brainer" but for some businesses it's a difficult decision. What do you want to have happen when someone visits your site? What is a "conversion" for you? An online sale? An email? A phone call? A completed form? A visit to your store? There are a wide variety of actions your site visitor can take that might be considered a "conversion". Let's define it once and for all. Only then can we measure and track it.


2. Site Restructuring/Revisions
Sometimes sites need a bit of navigational restructuring in order to facilitate the lead generation process. Most often this is simply a matter of making your "money" pages (the ones that will generate your leads) more prominent. Our page by page analysis will tell you exactly what needs to be done on each page to improve your chances of achieving the conversion you want. We'll look at:

• Home page copy
• Sub-page copy
• Navigation and menu structure
• Page URLs and topics
• Messaging
• Calls to action
• Page layout and graphics
• Browser compatibilities
• And much more!

All of these items will effect the ability of your site to turn visitors into customers. We'll identify any problems and show you what to do to fix them. We'll even fix them for you if you want (additional fees will apply). But the most important thing is that they get fixed! You want your site to convert, right? Good. Then follow our recommendations.


3. Lead Form Development
If you want someone to fill out a form and have those results emailed to you as a conversion, then we can help you set that up. There are lots of different ways to approach this conversion alternative. What you have (or don't have) on your lead form can make a tremendous difference in your response rate.




We'll help you decide what type of lead form makes the most sense for you and then we'll develop it and implement it for you. We'll even test it and tweak it during the process of our conversion tracking and management to make sure you're getting the best results.


4. Incentive Document Development
Sometimes your website visitors will need a bit of a "push" to capture their contact information. They need a reason to trust you, to want to have contact with you and to continue the process of engagement. That's where an "incentive document" comes in. You want to provide something meaningful to your prospect. Something that will help them in the decision making process, but not something self-serving and full of platitudes like "we're the best" or "we have top quality widgets". This has to be real, objective and valuable to your customer. It makes you come across as the expert and gives you the credibility you need to begin to nurture this prospect.






Your incentive document need not be long or complex, but it does need to contain valuable, helpful information that your prospect would perceive as important to their final decision. Your incentive document should "ooze credibility".


5. Email Sequence Development
Sometimes when a prospect visits your website they're not ready to buy right now. They're still evaluating. With the help of the incentive document they'll be able to get some needed information, but they still may not be ready to take the plunge right away. This is where your automated "email sequence" takes over. Now that you have permission to contact your prospect you can drop them into your automated email sequence. This powerful system will automatically feed valuable, decision-making data to your prospect on a daily, weekly, monthly, or any frequency you like, basis. Some businesses want hundreds of emails in their sequence, but most find that about 6 months worth of contacts is about right.


We'll work with you to write and finalize those emails and upload them into your system so they can go to work for you. They'll be contacting your prospects and reminding them of how amazing you are, even if you're asleep or relaxing on the beach. Just like the Energizer Bunny, it keeps on working.


6. Conversion Tracking and Measurement
This is where the rubber meets the road. We'll put the systems in place to allow you to see how many conversions your getting, where they are coming from, how much they're costing you (if you're doing PPC) and how effectively your site is performing. You'll get a complete report each week with all this detail and more. You'll always know how your program is performing.




Not only will you know how many conversions you've received each week, but you'll know the pathway that visitors took to lead to a conversion, and where in the conversion process you lost visitors. That way you'll be able to plug the holes in your conversion funnel.


Focusing on Real Results--Getting New Business for You!
This is a quick summary of what is involved in implementing our Conversion Management. Our on-going processes of testing and refining will bring you results that only get better with time. Our techniques are proven and ethical. There is no "black-hat" trickery in any of our methods. Best to stick with the proven and accepted methods--the methods that actually achieve real results!





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My Personal Pledge to You: We Will NOT Work With Your Competition!

Our methods are highly effective and proprietary. In order to maximize your competitive advantage, keep your strategies confidential and not the dilute the effectiveness of your Lead Machine, as long as you're actively working your business, we will NOT work with your competitors.







Craig Mecham, President

The Mecham Company


P.S. Questions? Don't hesitate to call. (509) 922-0535 or (888) 318-0208. We're real people. We actually answer our phone!




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